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Anti-Doping educational outreach stresses importance of clean Karate


Anti-Doping educational outreach stresses importance of clean Karate

The International Testing Agency (ITA), in cooperation with the World Karate Federation hosted an anti-doping educational outreach during the 2018 Karate World Championships in Madrid (Spain). The activity aimed at spreading the values of the sport while continuing keeping Karate clean. 

The International Testing Agency (ITA), in cooperation with the World Karate Federation hosted an anti-doping educational outreach during the 2018 Karate World Championships in Madrid (Spain). The activity had the goal of spreading the values of the sport while continuing keeping Karate clean. 

The two-day action was held on the eve of the 24th Karate World Championships in Madrid. On the first day, a training session was delivered to coaches and athletes’ entourage during the Accredited Coach Briefing. The intention of the presentation, which was attended by over 100 coaches, was to stress the importance of a doping-free sports environment as part of WKF’s core mission. It also aimed at raising awareness on doping risks and its detrimental effects on human health, the integrity of sport and the values of Karate. 

Among various topics, coaches had the opportunity to learn more about the definition of doping and the different types of doping behaviours, as well as the risk of nutritional supplements, the potential consequences of doping offences, and the therapeutic use exemptions, among other topics. Athletes' rights and responsibilities with reference to doping control processes were also discussed. 

An emphasis was put on the risk of inadvertent doping and the importance of preventing doping behaviours, especially at grass-roots level, through values-based education in order to ensure that athletes turn away from conducts which can jeopardize their careers.

The second day of the outreach saw the direct participation of athletes and provided them with the opportunity to reflect on the importance of “Saying no to Doping” and “Keep Karate Clean”. A dedicated stand was made available in the WKF Athletes’ Commission area and more than 120 athletes and participants from all over the world were engaged in various educational initiatives. 

Key topics like therapeutic use exemptions, doping control processes, and risk of nutritional supplements, among many topics, animated the discussions. Athletes also had the opportunity to test and enhance their anti-doping knowledge through the online “Play True Quiz” developed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The activity was also the first opportunity for the youngest competitors to familiarize with anti-doping.